Monday, January 18, 2010

January 17th Whale Boat with BrownChickenBrownCow on board!!

WHOW! What a wonderful day we had yesterday! We had it all. . .Beautiful family on board, SO MANY WHALES close by and lots of WHALE ACTIVITY (see a video I just posted of the whales on our facebook page for Ocean Song Ministries), GREAT MUSIC with BrownChickenBrownCow String Band from West Virginia and with other great musicians on board, wonderful food, and soft and sublime Mother Ocean.

When swimming some of our group saw 2 very large Manta Rays swimming down below them in the Heavenly Deep Blue. . .our whole day was life transforming in that we all expanded ourselves in such beautiful illumination around us and had such a wonderful time with the Whales breeching and one did an upside down tail slap one after the other. . .over and over again!

We were all so blissed out by sharing such a BEAUTIFUL DAY TOGETHER. . .

Saturday, January 9, 2010

January 8th Spirit Journey! WHOW!

WHOW! Yesterdays trip was so incredibly beautiful in every way possible! We had a very sublime day of flat water, sunshine and saw SO MANY WHALES! They were swimming around and under our boat for a long time and coming up to breath right next to us and looking straight up at us! We felt the Dharshan they were giving to us and the beautiful transparent BLUE LIGHT that shines from within them was incredible to see! I am posting some pictures and videos of the whales on our Ocean Song Ministries facebook page. . .

We also saw a very large pod of Pilot Whales swimming with Humpbacks and we felt it was a birthing pod the way the whale kept blowing air out so loud over and over again. . .it is a rare occurance to see Pilot Whales, especially to see them swimming with Humpbacks. . . WHOW!

We also had Bottlenose Dolphins come swim with us as we were sailing on 3 different occasions. And saw some beautiful jellyfish as we were swimming in the Heavenly Deep Blue with the WHALES SINGING SO LOUD we could feel it go so deep within our heart and soul!


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy and a Blessed New Year!!!!

Aloha Family ~ We have been so blessed by this beautiful work with Ocean Song Ministries. One of my greatest joys is sharing this with so many beloveds all around our planet! And hearing how these trips have effected our lives. . . .

This last week we had whales come right under our boat and we could see the blue light coming from within them! That same day we saw some amazing jellyfish that were lite up with infused colors of light coming from them.

The whales have been singing SO LOUD and their songs penetrate deep within our soul and in every cell in our body. These beautiful songs have been raising the vibrational frequencies all around our planet!