THIS IS HORRIBLE!! Anyone and Everyone needs to be educated about what is happening in Japan!! This video tells it all!! This is a SICK DISASTER on our planet and MUST STOP!!
Please watch this video of several different types of whales and dolphins that beached themselves in Washington State due to the Navy Sonar testing. . .WE HAVE TO FIND THE WAYS OF STOPPING THIS!
Help end the HORRIBLE SLAUGHTER OF DOLPHINS IN JAPAN ~ join the following link and share and help ~ THANK YOU!!!
This is a horrible thing that happened at a Themepark in Switzerland where they allowed a two-day rave to take place just a few yards from the Dolphin tank where two died from an agonizing, drawn-out death, seizing and foaming at the mouth. Veterinarians now say their deaths were likely caused by the ear-splitting music of the rave and drugs that ravers threw into the Dolphins tank.~ see below for more information and please sign the petition ~
Help end the DOLPHIN SLAUGHTER in Japan!
For years there has been massive Dolphin Slaughters going on in Japan every September. . .if you have not yet seen "The Cove", please do and educate yourself about this and sign petitions going around to stop this HORRIBLE SLAUGHTER! And please help. . .
Go to ~ . In Japan, they can go to:
PLEASE EVERYONE SIGN THIS PETITION NOW TO HELP STOP LEGALISATION OF WHALING! It only takes a few seconds to do this! Mahalo for your help and support!
Posted By: Greenpeace Fund, Inc. |
To: Members in STOP the Whale Hunt! |
We need your help to Save the Whales, again!
Hi Fellow Activists,
Take action now: Tell President Obama to say NO to the plan to allow commercial whaling for the first time since 1986! Sign our petition here:
On June 3rd, Greenpeace will be delivering tens of thousands of names and messages to high-ranking officials in the White House. They’ll all be saying basically the same thing -- “President Obama, keep your promise to save the whales.”
But to really make a splash with our delivery event we need thousands more Americans to take action. So we’re starting a massive “Wave for Whales” online. Help us kick off the Wave for Whales by copying and pasting the following message(s) to your Facebook and/or Twitter account.
Save the Whales! „ø¤º°¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨°º¤ Join the Wave for Whales at ¸„ø¤º°¨°º¤ Copy and repost this message to keep the wave going!
Save the Whales! „ø¤º°¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨°º¤ Join the #WaveforWhales ¸„ø¤º°¨°º¤ RT to keep the wave going!
We only have until the start of the IWC meetings in June to convince the President that legalizing commercial whaling for the first time in over 20 years is a horrible idea. You can help make that happen by sharing the Wave for Whales with your friends and followers today. There’s not much time.
For the Whales!
Greenpeace USA
Tell NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco to get the funding for scientific research into the BP disaster released so that scientists can independently investigate why dead baby dolphins are washing up along the Gulf of Mexico shoreline.
![take action today]()
Dead baby dolphins are currently washing up along the Gulf coast. But that hasn’t stopped the US government this week from issuing the first deep water drilling permit since the BP oil disaster. And they’re considering plans from BP and Shell to drill in the remote, pristine waters of the Arctic Ocean.
The truth is that scientists cannot say yet whether the dead baby dolphins are due to the BP disaster. In fact, scientists cannot say much of anything about the impacts of the BP oil spill on the Gulf of Mexico and its marine life because hundreds of millions of dollars set aside for research is stalled in government bureaucracy and BP backpedaling.
Here’s what the science journal Nature recently had to say:
"A fund of half a billion dollars for research into the effects of last year's massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has spent months mired in bureaucracy and political maneuvering, leaving scientists uncertain about how or when the money will be awarded."
The money for independent scientific research must be released immediately so we can know the truth. The US government agency responsible for stewardship of the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA), needs to step up and make sure this funding gets out the door now so scientists can independently investigate why baby dolphins are dying and look into all the other long-term impacts of the BP oil disaster.
Send a message right now to the head of NOAA, Jane Lubchenco, calling on her to get those funds released so scientists can study the impacts of the Gulf of Mexico BP oil disaster.
Once we have collected 20,000 individual letters I will personally deliver your message to NOAA to make sure Administrator Lubchenco receives it.
We’re just now starting to see the full impacts of last year’s spill. This isn’t going away. No matter how hard the government and BP try to make it.
For the oceans,
![John Hocevar]()
John Hocevar
Greenpeace Oceans Director